What You Should Understand About Earwax Accumulation

Don’t neglect cleaning your ears. Whenever you say that, you unavoidably use your “parent voice”. Maybe when you were a child you even remember your parents telling you to do it. As you get wrapped up in past nostalgia, that sort of memory can take you back to simpler times. But it’s also excellent advice. […]

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Managing Hearing Loss With the Help of Modern Technology

Do you know what a cyborg is? You most likely imagine a half human, half machine when you think of a cyborg, especially if you enjoy science fiction movies (these characters are usually cleverly used to touch on the human condition). You can get some truly wild cyborgs in Hollywood. But actually, somebody wearing something […]

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How You Can Boost Your Mood by Getting Regular Hearing Tests

Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be utilized to treat the common condition of hearing loss. Unfortunately, hearing loss often goes undiagnosed and untreated. This can result in greater depression rates and feelings of solitude in those with hearing loss. It can also cause a breakdown in personal and work relationships, which itself will […]

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Those Late Night Bar Visits Could be Contributing to Your Tinnitus

Remember the old tale of Johnny Appleseed? When you were younger you probably heard the tale of how Johnny Appleseed journeyed around bringing fresh apples to communities (the moral of the story is that apples are healthy, and you should eat them). Actually, that’s not the whole reality. At the end of the 19th century, […]

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Hearing Aids, a History

Hearing Aids, a History

When it comes to history, there are three different kinds of people: people who find history to be amazingly interesting, individuals who think history is horribly dull, and people who think history is full of aliens. The history of hearing aids is not about aliens (sorry not sorry). But the true story is probably pretty […]

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If You Want to Enjoy Your Life, Keep that Hearing Aid Switched on!

As we get older, we all recognize that hearing loss and specific mental health challenges can get worse despite a healthy, active lifestyle. And scientists have found a strong connection between the two that shouldn’t be ignored and it will help if you don’t turn that hearing aid off. Individuals with neglected hearing loss are […]

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    ACL Hearing & Balance

    Baton Rouge, LA

    7952 Goodwood BlvdBaton Rouge, LA 70806

    Call Us: 225-529-0450Fax: 225-927-7910

    Mon - Fri, 8:00am – 4:30pm

    Baton Rouge, LA Google Business Profile

    Central, LA

    11424 Sullivan Rd Bldg A
    Suite B-2 Central
    Baton Rouge, LA 70818

    Call Us: 225-438-8520Fax: 225-927-7910

    Wed, 9:00am – 3:00pm
    Thurs, 8:00am – 4:30pm

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