You might develop hearing loss as you get older, particularly if you frequently expose yourself to loud noise. Similarly, if you work on a busy factory floor and don’t use ear protection, hearing loss may be in your future. These hearing loss causes are fairly common. But there’s a new kid on the block, and […]
For you and the people in your life, coping with hearing loss can take some work to adjust to. In some cases, it can even be unsafe. What happens if a smoke detector is sounding or someone is shouting out your name but you can’t hear them? If you have neglected hearing loss, you won’t […]
Read More… from Helpful Safety Guidelines for Individuals With Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can seriously impact how you live, even when it’s minor. There will be a dramatic change in the way you connect with family, friends, and coworkers. It can become difficult to perform daily tasks like going shopping. But it doesn’t need to have this type of negative affect on you. If you utilize […]
Want to suck all the joy out of your next family gathering? Start talking about dementia. The topic of dementia can be really frightening and most people aren’t going to purposely discuss it. Dementia, which is a degenerative cognitive condition, makes you lose touch with reality, experience memory loss, and causes a general loss of […]
Read More… from What’s the Link Between Hearing Impairment and Dementia?
You walk into the kitchen to find a snack. Will it be something salty… what about crackers? Oooo, chips! Wait. Maybe this leftover slice of cheesecake. Perhaps you should just go with a banana on second thought. A banana is a healthier option after all. Everything is interrelated in the human body. So the fact […]
Read More… from Diet Could be Closely Tied to Your Tinnitus Symptoms
Every instance of hearing loss is unique You should not expect your experience with hearing loss to be precisely the same as somebody else who might have the same hearing loss condition. No two instances of hearing loss are precisely alike. While you may be able to relate to someone else with hearing loss, bear […]
So, so many family celebrations. During the holidays, it most likely feels like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost uncle every other weekend. That’s the charm (and, some would say, the curse) of the holiday season. Normally, it’s easy to look forward to this annual catching up. You get to check in on everyone […]
Read More… from Despite Your Hearing Loss, You Can Still Enjoy the Holidays
You get to your company’s annual holiday party and you’re immediately bombarded by noise. You can feel the pumping music, the thrum of shouted conversations, and the click of glasses. You’re not enjoying it at all. In such a noisy environment, you can’t hear a thing. The punch lines of jokes are getting lost, you […]
Read More… from Survive That Office Holiday Party in Spite of Your Hearing Loss
There are other symptoms of a cold that are less common than the widely recognized runny nose. One type of cold you don’t frequently hear about is the one that moves into one or more ears. While you might generally think of colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom should never be dismissed. […]
Read More… from Did You Realize Your Common Cold Could Trigger Hearing Problems?
You’ve been putting off calling us to find out if you need hearing aids, but you’ve finally decided it’s time. Like many other people, you’ve been resisting this. But the difficulty of living life without being able to hear has finally become too much. So it’s a bit discouraging when you’re at the hearing specialist’s […]