Your ability to hear is valuable – once it’s gone, the chance of getting it back in its natural form is slim to nil. But somehow, hearing loss tends to go neglected and unchecked in the general population. In the US alone, one in eight people over the age of 12 copes with neglected and […]
When you think about hearing aids, intimacy most likely isn’t the first thing you think about. We understand. The advertising on these little devices is relatively straightforward. Love, on the other hand, is something better suited for music, poetry, and art. But you may want to start looking at your hearing aid as an intimacy […]
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It’s often said that hearing loss is a gradual process. That’s why it can be quite pernicious. Your hearing doesn’t get worse in big leaps but rather in tiny steps. So if you’re not watching closely, it can be difficult to keep track of the decline in your hearing. That’s why recognizing the first signs […]
One way your body offers information to you is through pain response. It’s an effective strategy though not a very pleasant one. When your ears start to feel the pain of a very loud megaphone near you, you know damage is taking place and you can take measures to move further away or at least […]
If you get a cut, that cut will heal. Before too long, your stubbed toe will feel better. Even a broken bone will mend if properly set. But if hearing is damaged what happens. Is it possible for the inner ear to heal? Can you get your hearing back? Can that healing be facilitated by […]
Read More… from Why You Should Avoid Homeopathy For Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is normally considered an older person’s problem – in fact, it’s estimated that nearly 50% of people over 75 copes with some type of hearing loss. But in spite of the fact that in younger individuals it’s totally preventable, studies show that they too are at risk of developing hearing loss. One study […]
Read More… from Even the Young Need to Think About This to Safeguard Their Hearing
We all enjoy a good bargain. But when it has to do with your health, be careful what you purchase and pay attention to the small details. We know, it can be confusing, the names are very similar, but hearing aids and hearing amplifiers are not equivalent. And making the wrong choice could have important […]
You will still visit your eye doctor yearly even if you already wear eyeglasses. Because your eyes change as time passes. Nothing in your body is fixed, not your eyes and not, as it happens, your ears either. That’s why, much like your eyes, it’s crucial to keep having your ears checked even after you’ve […]
Read More… from The Annual Visit You Probably Neglected to Schedule
Public opinion surrounding marijuana and cannabinoids has changed significantly over the past several decades. Cannabinoids, marijuana, and THC products are now legal for medical usage in many states. Far fewer states have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes, but even that would have been unimaginable even just ten or fifteen years ago. Any compounds derived from […]
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The cause of Meniere’s is not well understood. But the effects are hard to underestimate. Some prevalent symptoms of this disorder are vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease appear to stem from a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, but scientists aren’t really sure what causes that […]